505-2225-7537       km 8.5 Carretera Masaya (Sinsa), del Stop & Go, 4 Cuadras al Oeste (al tope), 30 vrs Al Sur, Managua, Nicaragua

19 Mar

Sea turtle hatchery in Nicaragua pays poachers for eggs

Communities in northwestern Nicaragua are rallying to save the critically endangered hawksbill turtle.

In the northwest corner of Nicaragua, there is a large estuary called Padre Ramos. This beautiful mangrove swamp is an important transition zone between the land and the sea, a place where the water is calm and fluctuates with the tide. Padre Ramos has been a nature reserve since 1983 and is important because it is one of only two known nesting areas (of significant size) for the critically endangered Eastern Pacific hawksbill sea turtle.

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