505-2225-7537       km 8.5 Carretera Masaya (Sinsa), del Stop & Go, 4 Cuadras al Oeste (al tope), 30 vrs Al Sur, Managua, Nicaragua

1 Apr

10,000 turtle hatchlings released back into the wild at La Flor Natural Reserve beach in south-west Nicaragua

2017-04-01 A new born turtle has a small enough chance of survival at the best of times. But in many cases they don’t even get the chance to try as the local people scoop up the eggs for food and to sell as the mother is laying them on the beach

Fantastic news for turtle conservation as thousands of olive ridley turtle hatchlings start their tough journey into adulthood with a little help from some friends.

More than 10,000 olive ridley turtle and 30 green turtle hatchlings have been released at La Flor Natural Reserve beach in south-west Nicaragua, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) and Nicaraguan Army.

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#turtle #natralreserve #released #endangered #nicaragua #laflornaturalreserve