505-2225-7537       km 8.5 Carretera Masaya (Sinsa), del Stop & Go, 4 Cuadras al Oeste (al tope), 30 vrs Al Sur, Managua, Nicaragua

6 Apr

Rafting in Nicaragua – Pure Adrenaline

Rafting in Nicaragua is something we have not yet tried. Boogie boarding, hiking, sand boarding, sailing, zip lining, yes and all yes.  So no matter your preferred adventure, we have it all here in Nicaragua including some of the best surfing in the world.

Below is a poor translation of the original spanish article done with google translate or read the original in Spanish with the link.

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In my 45 years believed to have lived all kinds of emotions, but I was wrong. I ventured recently rafting, an aquatic adventure that lives on a raft or raft which is driven by the current of a river that combines nature, teamwork and you up the adrenaline pumping every time sorteas fast areas river stones and even branches of jungle vegetation, an adventure not suitable for the faint hearted or minors. One type of ecotourism began in Nicaragua in 2013.

All my senses are alert, especially because i don’t swim and it would be useful in this experience, although it is not “as needed” according to guides. 10 women are expeditionary in this adventure that is in charge of only three trained guides in the country, two Nicaraguan Jose Daniel Torres and Ernesto Ocampo Lira who together with Dutch Arjen Roerma instruct us over an hour on safety measures and techniques rowed the commands you will need to follow the group to achieve an unforgettable adventure.

After two practicaditas as fast in Old River waters Jinotega We are ready!

Arjen Roerma, owner manager of Matagalpa Tours was the first entrepreneur to bet on this adventure that just started in the country. It ensures that an investment like he did to buy two rafts, large seats eight people and a smaller one for five, plus the paddles, life jackets, helmets and a portable dressing can be for 20,000 US dollars .. ” a gamble well worth it, but so far most tourists are doing rafting are national, “he says.

Shouts and emotions come to the surface from the first moment that these aboard the raft. The tip of my right foot is fine subject almost adhered cylinder raft as if part of it. My arms reman but each time the Dutchman says “rest” my hands go quickly, “the rope of life” which is nothing but the rope is around the raft and you just keep them safe when a fall or accident.

Knowing my weakness prevent prefer not swim. I nevertheless feel very safe in the raft because in it are two of the three guides, the wife of the Dutch who seems to have a lot of experience in this matter and my photographer Julissa Morales who is an excellent swimmer.

Roerma and their guides began their training in August 2013 under the instructions of the Nicaraguan Jorge Salaverri who has been established for many years in Honduras where he developed a larger scale rafting. “They began their training in the Cangrejal River La Ceiba, Honduras. In November of that same year, my brother Herminio moved to Nicaragua to continue training over 20 days when journeys were made by the Tuma River, “indicates Salaverri.


The descent of the river is wonderful, everything is new on the river Viejo, (Jinotega) nature is spectacular. This river is pretty quiet, little plentiful but very wide, with several strong currents that promise a lot of adrenaline, but also some risk, has areas of Class 4 which is the international classification given to the rivers, stronger rapids and dangerous rise to class 6, ideal only for professionals in this adventure.

According to Salaverri who is originally from Puerto Cabezas and forestry graduate from the University of West Virginia, United States, most important for rafting it is that rivers have a rapid (strong currents). “If in addition to the rapids we have a clean river with little pollution, canyons, wildlife, forest in good condition and indigenous peoples river then we have a high quality that can attract many tourists. Conservation of these rivers is a challenge for the state, NGOs, municipalities and people in general since I have seen a very rapid environmental degradation in our countries. “

Arjen that has faced problems in the flow of rivers, “the water level of rivers is not so constant. In the summer of 2014 when I started doing rafting tours had the effect of the child, we were encouraged, but because of the drought we could not offer it. Then we started again in August, September and October last year, but still not lifted off to sell to operators tours.

The good news is that last November we started exploring the Old River Jinotega. That river is powered by the hydroelectric plant Apanas and realized that only water pulling turbines works well that river, but there is another disadvantage that the plant is closed on Sunday and maintenance is just the day we can have more tours . I think this will work better with time. “

Took 2 hours paddling and I feel tired, the sun’s rays are incandescent and burn like fire, everything seems very quiet in this place where locals come to their riverbank to say goodbye to visitors. Birds also exceedingly trouble our way, it’s a magical moment, it is a close encounter with nature. Until I can feel peace with living the first settlers of this land so wonderful.

But nothing is perfect, that tranquility is abruptly interrupted by a huge stone out of the raft to five of its eight passengers, including a guide. I see crashing down to the photographer, the wife of Dutch, paddles out water and panic spreads among the only two women who were on board, I see the fear in her eyes and she surely sees in mine. The reaction was brave and want to rescue our fellow waters under the instructions given to us before leaving. Arjen noticeable scared and rescues his wife, then he goes for my photographer that we have seen take against several rocks. The other guide helps one of the teachers of the school where they teach Hummingbird Spanish for foreigners. And it all starts to be sorted. We’re all fine and laughter are heard. This has given us hungry and looking for a haven where lunch.


According to Salaverri, owner of La Mosquitia Ecoaventura, located in Honduras, Nicaragua has several ideal rivers for rafting as the Bocay River, the Coco River, possibly the Waspuk river because it shows you have good flow, but it is the Tuma River best for this activity “while school could be considered the river.”

“A good river should give us at least two hours of travel for trips noon. Tuma its size could have traveled up to two days camping on the route. In times of rain kayaking and rafting could make progress in sections Tuma high above La Dalia “, considers Salaverri.

For this expert on the subject, in the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) should explore the Wawa River because it seems to have fast (rapids) class II. In these rivers can also do other activities like tubing (in nuemáticos), boogie board, white water, kayaking solid or inflatable kayaks and SUP (Stand Up Paddling). Another activity is the beautiful River Hiking consisting of walking and swimming where possible, always downstream.

Salaverri considers that the Coco River could establish service stations served by the community and thus make it easier logistics. “Given the characteristics of the Coco River you can use larger rafts with giant paddles called Odars and can carry large groups of tourists. Furthermore, this river has living culture, petroglyphs, history, good protected areas in both Nicaragua and Honduras with Bosawas with Patuka Tawahka National Park and Reserve.

The end of the trip can be done rafting at the height of Carrizal, can continue outboard to Waspan or Leimus and continue overland to Puerto Cabezas. In Waspan no runway in case you want to fly from there to Managua. And for the more adventurous can make all the overland route to Matagalpa and Managua through the Mines and Bosawás will surely love. “


Something very important for a river has good tourism potential is to have a point of embarkation and disembarkation easily accessible for visitors. Salaverri suggests that they are within the tourist corridor. “It is also important to have diversity of activities so that tourists also enjoy other activities that add to your trip, for the more diverse tourist activities greater the stays and the greater the visit will result in a major economic impact and healthy for the whole nation “

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