505-2225-7537       km 8.5 Carretera Masaya (Sinsa), del Stop & Go, 4 Cuadras al Oeste (al tope), 30 vrs Al Sur, Managua, Nicaragua

12 Dec

21 Nicaraguan Phrases You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

credit: Giphy.com / “Big Bang Theory” / CBS


Want to brush up on your local Nicaraguan Spanish dialect before your trip? Then this is the article for you.

If you are Nicaraguan, or your squad includes Nicaraguan friends, you know these two things to be true: we speak as if we are singing and we curse a lot. You’d be surprised to know, however, that most of the Nica curse words are not meant to insult anyone, but instead are nicaragüense common slang words. They’re totally fine!

Don’t believe me? Here are 23 Nica words and their meaning:

Read the article

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